 Now that powerful software tools like Mathematica are both available and affordable for the academic community, the proper use of such tools needs to be more fully explored. During the fall semester of 1993, the United States Ait Force Academy integrated Mathematica into its freshman calculus courses and since that time, the use of the software has been propagating across other departments. This paper will focus on the unique educational environment at the Academy and how this environment contributed to the successful integration of the software into the Mathematical Sciences Department's curriculum. The lessons learned over the last four semesters of using the software will also be discussed. Also included is a look at why and how we are propagating the use of the software to other departments with a detailed look at how our Engineering Mechanics Department is aggressively integrating the software into its curriculum. Finally, we have an assessment of the software as an educational tool-evaluating how we use it as instructors and how it enhances the students understanding of the topics at hand.