 Crack Edge Element of Three-Dimensional Displacement Discontinuity Method with Boundary Division into Triangular Leaf Elements

Organization: | Yamaguchi University, Ube, Japan |
Organization: | College of Science, Yangzhou University |
Department: | Department of Mathematics |
Organization: | Yamaguchi University, Ube, Japan |
Organization: | General Motors Corporation, Warren, Michigan, U.S.A. |

Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering |
 In this paper, the existing diplacement discontinuity method (DDM) for three-dimesnsional elastic analysis with boundary discretized into triangular elements, which is purely based on analytical integrals, is extended from the constant element to the square-root crack edge element. In order to evaluate the singular integral when the receiver point falls into the remitter element, i.e., the observed point (x,y) \in Delta, a part-analytical and part-numerical integration procedure is adopted effectively. The newly developed codes prve vaid in estimating the stress intensity factor (SIF) K_1. Furthermore, for the sake of keeping the advantages of high speed and high accuracy in developing the numerical system, a novel method to realize ure analutical integration of the influence function is found by the aid of the symbolic computation technology of Mathematica.

 crack edge element, #D displacement discontinuity method, triangular leaf element, anlytical integration
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