 Probabilistic Cellular Automaton for Random Walkers

Organization: | Iwate University |
Department: | Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
Organization: | University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Organization: | Japan Information Processing Service Co., Ltd. |
Organization: | Kanazawa University |
Department: | Department of Computational Science |

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan |
 A cellular-automaton of multiple random walkers is proposed to simulate d-dimensional many-body interacting lattice gas system. The fully parallel dynamics of the random walkers in d-dimensional hyper cubic lattice system is defined by introducing a simple probabilistic local rule set which prohibits the multiple occupancy of the walkers on a lattice site and keeps the conservation of the total number at any time. An equation which essentially governs the dynamics is derived by constructing a Boltzmann transport equation. An expression for the diffusion constant is obtained analytically and compared with the simulation results.
