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Parametric Three-Way Receiver Operating Characteristic Surface Analysis Using Mathematica

Paul S. Heckerling
Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago
Journal / Anthology

Medical Decision Making
Year: 2001
Volume: 21
Issue: 5
Page range: 409-417

Three-way receiver operating characteristic (ROC) surface analysis involves the calculation of a volume under an ROC surface (VUS), which is a mesure of discriminatory accuracy of 2 diagnostic tests for 3 diseases. Nonparametric methods for calculating VUS and its standard error have been developed. The author presents the code for roc3D, a Mathematica computer program for performing parametric ROC surface analysis. roc3D calculates VUS assuming a multimormal distribution of test results in the 3 diseased populations, provides user-specified pointwise confidence limits for VUS, and displays a 3-dimensional plot of the ROC surface. Limitations of the roc3D progrm are discussed.

Please cite the original paper if the rocMath program is used.

Heckerling PS. Parametric receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis using Mathematica. Comput Meth Prog Biomed 2002; 69: 65-73

*Engineering > Signal Processing
*Science > Medicine

three-way receiver operating chracteristic, computer programs, Mathematica

SWAPTST.txt (2.7 KB) - Mathematica code