 Probabilistic Situation Calculus

Organization: | CMA, Departamento de Matemática, Lisbon, Portugal |
Organization: | CMA, Departamento de Matemática, Lisbon, Portugal |
Organization: | Bell Labs; P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile |
Organization: | CMA, Departamento de Matemática, Lisbon, Portugal |
Organization: | CMA, Departamento de Matemática, Lisbon, Portugal |

Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence |
 In this article we propose a probabilistic Sitaution Calculus logical language to represent and reason with knowledge about dynamic worlds in which actions have uncertain effects. Uncertain effects are modeled by dividing an action into two subparts: a deterministic (agent-produced) input and a probabilistic reaction (produced by nature). We assume that the probabilities of the reactions have known distributions. Our logical language is an extension to Situation Calculae in the style proposed by Raymond Reiter. There are three aspects to this work. First, we extend the language in order to accomodate the necessary distinctions (e.g., the separation of actions into inputs and reactions). Second, we develop the notion of randomly reactive automata in order to specify the sematics of our Probabilistic Situation Calculus. Finally, we develop a reasoning system in Mathematica capable of performing temporal projection in the Probabilistic Situation Calculus.

 probability logic, probabilistic automata, Situation Calculus, theory of action, Mathematica
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