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A Sizing Strategy for combining DC & AC Constraints in Analog Circuit Design

Thomas Halfmann
Organization: Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM)
Manfred Thole
Journal / Anthology

Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Symbolic Methods and Applications in Circuit Design
Year: 2000

This paper introduces a novel approach for designing an analog circuit under simultaneous consideration of DC and AC design specifications. Such specifications are restricted to those, which can be formulated as mathematical equations. The proposed sizing strategy describes an automated generation of design equations and their numerical solving with a dedicated DAE (Differential Algebraic Equations) solver. The solver used throughout this paper is part of Analog Insydes, which is a toolbox for modeling, analysis, and design of analog electronic circuits. Analog Insydes is an add-on package to the computer algebra system Mathematica.

*Engineering > Electrical Engineering
*Wolfram Technology > Application Packages > Applications from Independent Developers > Analog Insydes