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official statement on Linux and Calculus WIZ

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg22512] official statement on Linux and Calculus WIZ
  • From: "P.J. Hinton" <paulh at>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 02:27:12 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: "Wolfram Research, Inc."
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In a prior posting to this forum:

I offered my (unofficial) remarks on the compatibility of Mathematica for
Linux with Calculus WIZ.

I have received an official statement on compatibility and future releases
of Calculus WIZ.  Questions regarding this statement should be directed to
Wolfram Research's information request address <info at>.

[begin statement]

Although most of the Mathematica application packages are available for Unix
platforms, Calculus WIZ is a bit of a special case. It was developed and
tested for Windows and Macintosh platforms. The installers for the product
install only into these platforms. It was our belief when this product was
developed, that the vast majority of users would be on those two platforms.
It is entirely possible that Calculus WIZ will work fine under Linux, but
since we haven't tested it there, there is no certainty.

Almost any basic Mathematica notebook that you create on one platform will
work as intended on all other platforms to which Mathematica is ported. The
reason for our hedging about the Calculus WIZ materials is that it makes
heavy use of the interactivity, which may have
platform-dependent subtleties requiring more detailed testing before we
certify the application as compatible.

As an aside, I should mention to development efforts related to Calculus
WIZ. First, we are about to release an updated version of Calculus WIZ which
is fully compatible with Mathematica 4. Please check for this update.

Secondly, we have under development a project to make Calculus WIZ a
standalone custom Mathematica product that will install and function
indepedent of any Mathematica you may already have on your system. Current
plans are to make this a Macintosh and Windows product, but any decision to
port to other platforms has not yet been made.

Users who would be interested in purchasing this software if it were
available for other platforms are encouraged to send their comments to
<suggestions at>.

[end statement]

P.J. Hinton
Mathematica Programming Group           paulh at
Wolfram Research, Inc.

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