MathGroup Archive 1996

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3D real-time Visualization

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3606] 3D real-time Visualization
  • From: Xah Lee <xah at>
  • Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 00:09:30 -0500
  • Organization: Best Internet Communications
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

There's a commercial program called Live that lets you view 3D object 
generated by Mathematica in real-time. That is, once the data is in 
Live, you can rotate the object in real-time using your mouse.

There's a freeware for Macintosh called Rotater, that does the same 
thing. You can rotate Mathematica generated graphics in Rotater in 

Here's the description:

Rotater v.3.5 by Craig Kloeden (craig at is a 
real-time 3D visualization program. The program reads a straightforward 
3D data, then you can rotate the 3D object in
real-time using your mouse. There are also several converter written by 
different people for exporting data to Rotater format, including a 
Mathematica to Rotater converter. The latest version can be found at 

Rotater is the perfect companion to Mathematica (on Macintosh), and most 
importly, it's free.

 xah at; 74631.731 at
 Quote of the day:
 God made man, the rest is the work of integers.   --A Chronicler.


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