 Pi from agent border crossings by NetLogo package

Organization: | Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Department: | Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics |
 In this tutorial I will guide you through a novel way of calculating the perimeter (or even the surface) of formations by an integrated model with logical agents. The logical agents are wandering (as random walking) around the world, which their movements follows a uniform distribution of rotations. They registrate the land cover changes under their feet to a common sum, that I consider as a Monte Carlo integral. By simulating the walking for a longer period, I can discover that the model converges from stochastic to a deterministic one. This can be proven by the rerunning of algorithm more times, and plot the results. The plots and test are convince us about the normal distribution of the results. Finally with high parameter setups I can approximate well the value of Pi.

 logical agents, perimeter, pi, monte carlo method, netlogo, agent-based modelling, random walking, uniform distribution, normal distribution, torus, simulation, stochastic, deterministic

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