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KNITRO® for Mathematica

Ziena Optimization, Inc.
Organization: Ziena Optimization, Inc.
URL: http://www.ziena.com

Note: This is a discontinued product.

KNITRO for Mathematica brings the leading software tool for large-scale nonlinear optimization to Mathematica. This application package computes a local minimum to general optimization problems composed from Mathematica functions and objects. Any optimization problem with continuous variables and smooth functions can be solved. The package uses built-in Mathematica functionality to construct and evaluate sparse first and second derivatives.

*Wolfram Technology > Application Packages > Applications from Independent Developers > KNITRO for Mathematica

Math optimization, nonlinear optimization, linear optimization, large-scale optimization, math programming, mathematical programming, linear programming, interior point methods, active set methods, quasi-Newton methods, scientific software, mathematical libraries, power systems analysis, power systems design, portfolio optimization, financial software, nonlinear regression, nonlinear data fitting, chemical processing, circuit tuning, optimal design, optimal control
Related items

*KNITRO® for Mathematica: Nonlinear Data Fitting   [in Technical Notes]
*KNITRO® for Mathematica: Nonlinear Optimization Problem   [in Technical Notes]