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MathCore Engineering AB
Organization: MathCore Engineering AB
URL: http://www.mathcore.com

MathModelica is a powerful engineering tool for virtual model building and simulation of all kinds of physical systems. MathModelica handles any kind of domain, such as mechanics, electronics, hydraulics, and control systems.

MathModelica makes it possible to develop advanced multiengineering models by simple drag and drop. MathModelica is a platform for multiengineering simulation and model-based design for dynamic systems. It provides an interactive graphical environment and a customizable set of component libraries. With MathModelica it is possible not only to optimize your tests and experiments, but also to analyze phenomena that would otherwise be impossible to study and understand.

MathModelica is useful in a variety of fields, such as the automotive and aircraft industries, robotics, and complex machinery. It provides a technology that makes it possible to lift modeling and simulation several levels closer to the real product than is possible with today's de facto standard tools.

MathModelica comes in two versions. MathModelica Professional is targeted at projects and research in industry and academia, offering unparalleled possibilities for analyzing results. MathModelica Student is equal to MathModelica Professional in terms of functionality, speed, and output, but is only available for students

*Wolfram Technology > Application Packages > Additional Applications > MathModelica

mathmodelica, simulation, dynamic simulation, engineering tool, translational, rotational, 3D multibody, electronics, hydraulics, thermodynamics, control systems, model development
