Illustrating Solutions to 2-D Partial Differential Equations Matthew M. Thomas Department of Chemical Engineering Washington University in Saint Louis Engineering students are usually introduced to partial differential equations (PDEs) during their sophomore years of college. The first PDEs they often encounter are the one- and two-dimensional wave and heat equations [Sokolnikoff and Redheffer, 1966]. Mathematica can illustrate the solutions to these PDEs, for a number of initial and boundary conditions. Such illustrations bring life to the tedious mathematical expressions that comprise these solutions. The illustrations assist the student in visualizing solutions to these PDEs, thereby enhancing his understanding of them. Mathematica functions Plot3D and ListPlot3D can create the three-dimensional graphs that, when animated, represent solutions to the 2-D wave and heat PDEs. The 2-D wave PDE, wtt = c2(wxx + wyy), describes an oscillating membrane. The Mathematica function W[x_, y_, t_] in Figure 1 is the solution to the 2-D wave PDE for a freely oscillating, uniform square membrane (1 square meter) with surface tension: density ratio c = 1 meter/second, initial conditions w(x, y, 0) = x y (1-x) (1-y) and wt(x, y, 0) = - x y (1-x) (1-y), and boundary conditions w(x, 0 m, t) = w(x, 1 m, t) = w(0 m, y, t) = w(1 m, y, t) = 0. In[1]:= W[x_, y_, t_] := (64/N[Pi]^6) * N[Sum[(Cos[N[Pi] t Sqrt[m^2 + n^2]] - (Sin[N[Pi] t Sqrt[m^2 + n^2]]/ (N[Pi] Sqrt[m^2 + n^2])))* Sin[m N[Pi] x] Sin[n N[Pi] y]/(m^3 n^3), {m, 1, 15, 2}, {n, 1, 15, 2}]]; GrayPlot[f_, ranges__, n_] := Plot3D[f, ranges, Mesh -> True, PlotRange -> {-0.07, 0.07}, PlotPoints -> n]; WavePlot[n_, t_] := GrayPlot[W[x,y,t], {x,0,1}, {y,0,1}, n] WavePlot[20, 0.0] Out[1]= -Graphics- Figure 2 illustrates this solution for a 20 x 20 grid at t = 0.15. Using Do[WavePlot[20, t], {t, tstart, tend, tdelta}] creates the sequence which, when animated, illustrates the vibrating membrane. The 2-D heat PDE, vt = a(vxx + vyy ), describes heat flow in the semi-infinite direction of a Rsemi-infinitelyS long solid. The Mathematica function T[x_, y_, t_] := U[x,t]* U[y, t], as optimized in [Sullivan and Thomas, 1990], and presented in a Rblack-and-whiteS version here, is the solution to the 2-D heat PDE for a semi-infinite solid with a square cross-section and thermal diffusivity a = 1, having initial condition v(x, y, 0) = 1, and boundary conditions v(x, -1, t) = v(x, 1, t) = v(-1, y, t) = v(1, y, t) = 0 for t > 0. Figure 3 illustrates this solution for a 50 x 50 grid at t = 0.10. Using Do[HeatPlot[50, t], {t, tstart, tend, tdelta}] creates the sequence for illustrating the heat flow. In[3]:= U[x_, t_] := Block[{k=Ceiling[1/Sqrt[t]]}, 2 Sum[Block[{nu=(m+.5) N[Pi]}, (-1)^m/nu Exp[-nu^2 t] Cos[nu x]], {m, 0, k}]]; U[x_, 0.] := 1; ListHuePlot[array_]:= ListPlot3D[ Table[Table[0, {Length[array]+1}], {Length[array]+1}], Map[GrayLevel[.75 #]&, array, {2}], Boxed -> False, ViewPoint -> {0, 0, 10}, Mesh -> False, Axes -> None]; HeatPlot[n_, t_] := Block[{u=Table[U[x, t], {x, -1, 1, 2/n}]}, ListHuePlot[Outer[Times, u, u]]]; HeatPlot[50, 0.1] Out[3]= -Graphics- When animating the 2-D wave PDE solution, we illustrate an oscillating membrane. When animating the 2-D heat PDE solution, we illustrate a stationary cross section whose temperature profile varies with time. As can be seen from Figure 3, the function T[x_, y_, t_] varies from 0 (hottest) to 1 (coldest). In the GrayLevel command, gray level varies from 0 (hottest; black) to 0.75 (coldest; light gray). Black and light gray correspond to hot and cold temperatures, respectively. If we increase gray level in inverse proportion to temperature, we intuitively represent temperature by gray scale in Mathematica. For educational purposes, we can create a library of Mathematica Notebooks that illustrate solutions to 1-D and 2-D wave and heat PDEs, for a number of initial and boundary conditions, and for a number of membrane and solid cross section geometries. Two-dimensional Mathematica plots can represent a solution to a 1-D PDE for a given time; 3-D plots can represent a solution to a 2-D PDE solution for a given time; animation of these plots can demonstrate the time-dependent behavior of these solutions. This library would provide a needed aid for the average sophomore engineering student who often finds illustration of physical phenomena fairly difficult to visualize. References Sokolnikoff, I.S., and R.M. Redheffer. 1966. Mathematics of Physics and Modern Engineering, 2nd ed., New York, McGraw-Hill. Sullivan, J.M., and M.M. Thomas. 1990. The Mathematica Journal, 1(1), pages 80-84. About the Author Matthew M. Thomas received B.S. degrees in Chemical Engineering (1985) and Data Processing (1988) from Washington University, and an M.S. in Chemical Engineering (1989) from the same university. He is now enrolled in the Chemical Engineering doctoral program at Washington University, where his research interests include computer-aided chemical engineering and the application of artificial neural networks to chemical process control. Department of Chemical Engineering Washington University in Saint Louis Saint Louis, MO 63130-4899 email: