 Gluing Two Moebius Strips Into a Klein Bottle

Organization: | Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade |

Klein bottle is after projective plane the "simplest" closed, non-orientable surface. It is well known fact that one can obtain it by gluing two Moebius strips over their common boundary. Although well known, that fact is not obvious. In this notebook we made a continuous deformation of a Moebius strip into a half-Klein bottle. Having such a deformation it is easy to obtain a nice animation which deforms and glues two Moebius strips into a Klein bottle. Besides deformation there is an interesting realization of a Klein bottle as a tube around certain curve.

 topology, Klein bottle, Moebius strip

| Moebius2Klein.nb (451.3 KB) - Mathematica notebook | | m2klein.gif (166.9 KB) - animated gif | | m2kleinBigger.gif (441.6 KB) - animated gif |