
Organization: | Humboldt-University Berlin |
 The packages contain basic functions and modules for working in pseudo-euclidean vector spaces, and in the spaces of spheres, circles, and point pairs (= 0-spheres) in Moebius and Euclidean geometries. The notebooks treat examples and complete this material. Conformal invariants classifying pairs of subspheres, geodesics of the sphere space, the circle space, and the 0-sphere space are considered. Many constructs are valid for any finite dimension and any index of the scalar product. The 3-dimensional case is emphasized. 3D-graphics are animated with the OpenGL-Viewer of MathGL3d.

 spheres, circles, throws, pseudo-euclidean geometry, Moebius geometry, conformal invariants, stationary angles, orthogonalization, vector objects, matrix objects, spiral surfaces, inversions, tubes, Killing forms, stereographical projections, MathGL3d

| spheres.txt (13.8 KB) - ASCII text file | | OpenGLViewer.m (1.5 KB) - Mathematica package | | eusphere.nb (157.8 KB) - Mathematica notebook | | euvec.m (14.1 KB) - Mathematica package | | init.m (1.5 KB) - Mathematica package, master package | | liealg.m (13.7 KB) - Mathematica package | | mcirc.m (15.4 KB) - Mathematica package | | mcircles.nb (269.8 KB) - Mathematica notebook | | mspher.m (8 KB) - Mathematica package | | mspheres.nb (131.8 KB) - Mathematica notebook | | pairs.nb (171.9 KB) - Mathematica notebook | | pseuklid.nb (82.2 KB) - Mathematica notebook | | pseuvec.m (8.6 KB) - Mathematica package | | sphs4.tgz (197.1 KB) - gzipped tar file of all items | | sphs4.zip (202 KB) - zipped file of all items | | spiralsf.m (2.2 KB) - Mathematica package |
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