 Extended lattice reduce algorithm

Organization: | Universiteit Utrecht |
 This package adds ExtendedLatticeReduce, GramLatticeReduce, and LatticeReducedQ, to the builtin function LatticeReduce. ExtendedLatticeReduce does not just give a reduced basis, but also a transformation that relates the reduced basis with the original list of generators. GramLatticeReduce is similar, but instead of a generating set one inputs its Gram matrix. When the generators are linearly dependent, a reduced basis of the lattice of relations ("null space lattice") is also obtained.

 Lenstra, Lovasz, lattice, reduce, algorithm, ExtendedLatticeReduce, GramLatticeReduce, LatticeReducedQ

| LLLalgorithm.m (27 KB) - Mathematica package |
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