 A Utility Palette

Organization: | Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division |
 A pallete for Mathematica Version 3.0 or later is provided that allows one to easily keep track of page breaks in a Mathematica notebook. Plainly visible page breaks can be inserted or selected using the palette. Once selected page breaks can be deleted. The buttons to insert, and select page breaks are enhanced versions of buttons Rolf Mertig once sent to the MathGroup. The palette also includes buttons to delete all messages, delete all graphics, and delete all graphics and associated output cells. The file (Utilities.nb) is the palette, and additional documentation is provided in (ReadMe.txt).

 Page breaks, PageBreaks, Messages, Graphic Cells, Delete

| ReadMe.txt (2.5 KB) - Text flie | | Utilities.nb (8.9 KB) - Mathematica notebook |
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