 Solution to a System of Ordinary Differential Equations with Mixed, Algebraic, Boundary Conditions

Organization: | Michigan Technological Univeristy |
 This notebook illustrates the solution of four simultaneous ordinary differential equations with three constant initial boundary conditions and one algebraic final boundary condition. Forward shooting was used to solve the linear system. The example provided illustrates the temperature profile of an infinitely long cylindrical reactor where the internal reaction is temperature dependent.

 Mathematics, ODE Boundary Conditions, Mixed Algebraic Boundary Conditions, Ordinary Differential Equations, Forward Shooting, Temperature Profile of Reactor

| ODEwithINTandFBCs.nb (342.8 KB) - Mathematica notebook |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | ODEwithINTandFBCs.ma (168.2 KB) - Mathematica notebook |