Author: Qi Zheng School of Rural Public Health Texas A&M University System Health Science Center Location: Bryan, Texas 77802 e-mail: Release Date: Version 1.0, November 9, 2001 Version 2.0, February 14, 2005 SALVADOR 2.0, written in Mathematica and C, is a comprehensive computer package for analysis of data generated by Luria-Delbruck fluctuation experiments ************ For PC Users *********** The PC version of SALVADOR consists of the following three files: 1. salvadorV2.m, Mathematica code, it won't run properly without an accompanying C program running simultaneously. 2. salvadorV2.exe, compiled C program, it is called by the Mathematica program salvadorV2.m. 3. manualV2.nb, a Mathematica notebook which demonstrates the various functionalities of SALVADOR V.2.0. SALVADOR 0.0 requires Mathematica version 5.0 or above. A computer with 256K RAM and a CPU of 500 MHz or faster is strongly recommended. You can install SALVADOR on a PC (assuming Mathematica is already install on that PC) by following 3 simple steps: 1. Change to the top of your working directory, e.g. C:\; 2. Make a directory for SALVADOR by executing mkdir salvador; 3. Change to the newly made directory and copy all three files to C:\salvador\. 4. Before starting to run manualV2.nb, add and execute (as the first command): SetDirectory["c:\\salvador"]. As described in manualV2.nb, each time you run SALVADOR, the executable program salvadorV2.exe must be activated from within Mathematica by executing the Mathematica command Install["c:\\salvador\\salvadorV2"]. A window will pop up indicating that the salvadorV2.exe is activated. You can minimize this window for visual comfort. At any time you need only one active copy of salvadorV2.exe. If you accidentally activated more than one copy, you can eliminate the extra active copies by killing the windows or icons on the toolbar that represent the extra running program. *********** For Unix Users ************ If you intend to run SALVADOR on a Unix system, make sure that Mathematica 5.0 or higher has been installed on your Unix computer. The installation of SALVADOR v2.0 consists of the following 3 steps: 1. make a directory called salvador under your home directory by moving to the top of your home directory and then executing mkdir salvador 2. copy the following 3 files into the new directory: a) b) salvadorV2.m c) manualV2.nb 3. compile the C file by executing mcc -o salvadorV2 As a result of step 3, you should see a new executable file named salvadorV2 residing in your new directory. As is demonstrated in the manual salvadorV2.nb, the executable file salvador you created at step 3 must be activated from within Mathematica by the command Install["salvadorV2"] or Install["yourHomeDirectory/salvadorV2"] If you accidentally activated more than one copy of salvadorV2, you should kill the extra processes. You can use Unix commands like ps or top to find whether you have activated more than one copy of salvador. You can then use the kill command to kill the extra processes.