Installation of the Package MechanicsExplorers`Beam` The package can either be installed from an archive file which already contains a suitable directory structure, or by creating the directory structure manually and downloading the files separately. Installing from an Archive Decompress and expand the archive. Copy the file BeamPalette.nb (or a link to it) into the directory /Configuration/FrontEnd/Palettes/. Copy the directory MechanicsExplorers with its all contents into the directory /AddOns/Autoload/. You can also use the AddOns/Applications/ directory. In this case, you have to manually load the package before using its functions. Rebuild your help index (use the command Rebuild Help Index in the Help menu). On multi-user systems, a personal installation can be accomplished by copying the file Beam.m into the directory /Kernel/ and the file BeamPalette.nb into the directory /Configuration/FrontEnd/Palettes/, where usually is ~/.Mathematica/3.0/. In this case, the documentation will not be available through the Help Browser. Installing the Files Separately Copy the file BeamPalette.nb (or a link to it) into the directory /Configuration/FrontEnd/Palettes/. Create a directory MechanicsExplorers/ with subdirectories MechanicsExplorers/Documentation/English/ in /AddOns/Autoload/. You can also create the directories as subdirectories of /AddOns/Autoload/, but, in this case, you have to manually load the package before using its functions. Copy the following files into the following directories: Beam.m into MechanicsExplorers/, init.m into MechanicsExplorers/, BeamDocumentation.nb into MechanicsExplorers/Documentation/English/, Beam.nb into MechanicsExplorers/Documentation/English/, BrowserCategories.m into MechanicsExplorers/Documentation/English/. Rebuild your help index (use the command Rebuild Help Index in the Help menu). On multi-user systems, a personal installation can be accomplished by copying the file Beam.m into the directory /Kernel/ and the file BeamPalette.nb into the directory /Configuration/FrontEnd/Palettes/, where usually is ~/.Mathematica/3.0/. In this case, the documentation will not be available through the Help Browser. Files MechanicsExplorers/install.txt: this file MechanicsExplorers/BeamPalette.nb: the palette notebook MechanicsExplorers/Beam.m: the package file MechanicsExplorers/init.m: the initialization file (containing stubs to the function names) MechanicsExplorers/Documentation/English/BeamDocumentation.nb: the documentation notebook used by the Help Browser MechanicsExplorers/Documentation/English/Beam.nb: the formatted source from which the package file was generated (visible in the Help Browser) MechanicsExplorers/Documentation/English/BrowserCategories.m: the configuration file used by the Help Browser Stephan Kaufmann, June 1997