 StackedGraphicsArray - Graphics Array with "Shared" Axes

Organization: | Technische Universität München |
Department: | Physik-Department T30 |
 The StackedGraphicsArray package provides an extension to GraphicsArray. It generates an array of framed plots with "shared" axes and no spacing between the framed plots. Ticks and labels are preserved from the individual plots where possible. Comment: The idea of placing the labels via the Epilog option is taken from Graphics`MongoArray`. Look at that package for a different implementation of a stacked graphics array.
The package and notebook were updated by the author 18 Oct 2004

 GraphicsArray, multiple plots, stacked plots


| StackedGraphicsArray.m (14.8 KB) - Mathematica Package | | StackedGraphicsArray.nb (48.4 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |