CleanSlate.m, version 1.1, Package Documentation. This document supplements the explanation and comments in the CleanSlate.m file itself (all of that information is excerpted from this more complete discussion). The information is provided for the interested reader. It is certainly not necessary to understand, or even read, this file to use CleanSlate effectively. PURPOSE The purpose of CleanSlate is to provide an easy and complete way to accomplish two goals: 1) free memory, and 2) clear values of symbols, so that you need not worry about tripping over some preexisting definition for a symbol. The basic command exported from the package, CleanSlate[], tries to do everything possible to return the kernel to the state it was in when the CleanSlate.m package was initially read in (usually, this is at the end of the startup process, but, as discussed below, it can be read in at other times as well). Of course, short of actually restarting, there is no way to do this, but I hope that CleanSlate comes as close as possible. I think it will be adequate for most user's needs. BRIEF SUMMARY There are 3 functions exported from the package: CleanSlate, CleanSlateExcept, and ClearInOut. ClearInOut[] simply clears the In[] and Out[] values, and resets the $Line number to 1 (so new input begins as In[1]). It is called internally by CleanSlate and CleanSlateExcept. Once this function has been executed, you can no longer refer to older input or output (if ClearInOut[] is executed as In[32], then you cannot refer to %30, for example). It does not affect the values of any symbols, though, so it is a relatively "nondestructive" attempt to free memory. By itself, it usually results in only a minimal recovery of memory, but in some cases (e.g., graphics) the savings can be large. CleanSlate and CleanSlateExcept share the same basic purging engine (the private function CleanSlateEngine), differing only in the way they calculate which contexts to send to this engine. These functions will be discussed in much greater detail below, but their basic use is as follows. CleanSlate[] tries to purge everything that has happened since the CleanSlate package was read in. You can also specify specific contexts for purging with CleanSlate["Context1`","Context2`", ...]. Only the listed contexts, along with all of their subcontexts, will be affected. Thus, if you don't specify a context or contexts, CleanSlate will assume you want the complete job. CleanSlateExcept["Context1`","Context2`", ...] allows you to specify a set of contexts to be spared from purging. Everything other than what you list will be purged. At the end of the process, the functions print a list of the contexts purged and the approximate amount of memory freed. The return value is the new $ContextPath. CleanSlate and CleanSlateExcept take one option, Verbose, which can be set to True or False. The default is Verbose->True, which specifies that they print their usual diagnostic messages. CleanSlate and CleanSlateExcept have some basic error-checking code built into them, to prevent incorrect use. In particular, they catch any invalid parameters (such as a misspelled context). For consistency, they take their input in the same form as the Mathematica functions that take contexts as parameters (Begin and BeginPackage): a sequence (not a list) of strings, each specifying a context name. It should be noted that CleanSlate is sometimes not very effective at freeing memory. CleanSlate can free memory used for storing values and definitions for symbols, but not memory used internally by Mathematica for calculations (which is the responsibility of Mathematica's internal memory-management mechanisms). If you read in a huge package that takes up a megabyte of memory, though, you can usually recover virtually all of it with CleanSlate. CleanSlate and Share: Mathematica version 2.1 has a command, Share[], which can free significant amounts of memory. Share and CleanSlate do not conflict, and in fact they are ideally used together. Run Share after CleanSlate to produce the maximum recovery of memory. Share generally executes much more slowly than CleanSlate, however, so you might not want to use it routinely. EXAMPLES CleanSlate[] -- The works CleanSlate["Packagename`"] -- Just strip out this one context CleanSlate["Global`"] -- Get rid of user-defined stuff, but leave all packages CleanSlateExcept["Global`"] -- Leave all user-defined stuff, but get rid of all packages CleanSlateExcept["Packagename`"] -- Get rid of everything but this one package CleanSlate[Verbose->False] -- Same as CleanSlate[], but don't print diagnostic output ClearInOut[] -- Just clear In and Out values WHAT IS MEANT BY "PURGING"? Essentially, "purging" means wiping out all trace of the context's existence. This is basically a 3-step process. Step 1 is to map Unprotect, ClearAll, and Remove over all symbols in the context (and any subcontexts). Step 2 is to try to remove any rules that the context may have defined for System symbols. Step 3 is to remove the context from $ContextPath and $Packages (if it is present in $Packages). The Global` context, however, is not removed from $ContextPath or $Packages. Some packages "overload" System functions (i.e., those in the System` context) with additional rules. A good example is the package Algebra`ReIm`, which adds new rules for Re, Im, Abs, Conjugate, and Args. To effectively remove this package, we would need to remove these additional rules as well. CleanSlate uses a clever (I think) scheme that enables it to strip out rules a package adds for System functions. This will be discussed below, but the basic mechanism involves substituting my own function for Unprotect. In this way, we can intercept all attempts to Unprotect system symbols (a necessary prelude to adding rules), noting which symbols are being unprotected and which context is doing it. After this information has been recorded, the built-in Unprotect is called. This "patching" technique will be familiar to programmers. HOW TO USE IT CleanSlate.m is designed to be read in at the end of the startup process. This is best accomplished by putting it as the last thing in the file init.m. The code can be simply pasted into this file, or you can just put < garbage} Now let's say you do a Remove["Foo`*"], which is part of the CleanSlate process, then look at Power again: In[]:= DownValues[Power] Out[]= {Literal[Power[Removed[x]_]] :> Removed[garbage]} We see that Removed appears as a head of any symbol in the rule. Thus, its existence can serve as a flag to indicate that this particular rule was defined in a context which has now been purged. All we have to do is delete all DownValues (and UpValues) for Power in which the head Removed appears on the left-hand side (we could also check the right-hand side, but this will rarely catch any additional cases). It turns out that Removed is not an ordinary head, and we can't detect its presence with, for example, FreeQ[#,Removed]&. But we can convert the LHS of the rule to a string and use string-matching to look for "Removed[*". There is one type of rule that will not be detected by this method: rules that do not have a named pattern or variable on the LHS, for example Power[_] := garbage. But it is relatively unlikely that any packages will be overloading System functions in this way. If you are writing a package and you want to be sure that CleanSlate will find all the System rules you define, just name all patterns even if the RHS doesn't use the name. Now, back to the code itself. First, we accumulate a list, called systemSymbolsToCheck, of all System symbols that will need to be checked for removable rules, based on what contexts are being purged. We also want to remove the records from alteredSystemSymbols corresponding to purged contexts and their affected symbols. The systemSymbolsToCheck is accumulated as a side-effect of deleting records from alteredSystemSymbols. Then, we scan a function over systemSymbolsToCheck which performs the actual deleting of UpValues, DownValues, SubValues, and FormatValues. Again, we need to prevent evaluation of any of the symbols, so we give the pure function the attribute HoldAll. Next, we print out some useful information if the Verbose option is not set to False: the actual (top-level) contexts purged, and the approximate amount of memory recovered. Finally, we need to adjust $ContextPath and $Packages to reflect the removed contexts. Note that we cannot use Complement here, as we have done before with lists of contexts, because this would result in a reordering of the lists. We also restore the modified Unprotect function. The return value is the new $ContextPath. MODIFYING CLEANSLATE I have not had time to go into all the details of CleanSlate's design and operation. If anyone has more specialized needs, or wants to modify the code in some way, I would be happy to help. However, there are some strange things in CleanSlate that are there for a reason. I don't recommend changing anything in the code, or even cannibalizing portions of it. BUGS, LIMITATIONS, AND ADVANCED ISSUES 1) There is a bug in some versions of the package ComplexExpand.m (Mathematica version 2.1 only) that prevents CleanSlate from working in "thin kernel" systems (such as Mac and Windows) once the ComplexExpand package has been read in. This is an easy bug to fix, and you will want to fix it, whether or not it affects your use of CleanSlate, so read on. The ComplexExpand.m package is read in "invisibly" by many other packages, so you may not notice it happening.(for example, when the integration packages are loaded). It also deletes itself (incorrectly) from $ContextPath and $Packages, which is where the problem lies. After ComplexExpand.m has been read, if you execute one of the CleanSlate functions, it will abort with a CleanSlate::cntxtpth error. The bug is a simple typographical mistake, and you should fix it right now if it afflicts your system. Here's how: open the ComplexExpand.m file with a text editor (you can use Mathematica itself if you have a Mac or Windows PC). Near the end of the file you may find a line that looks like: $ContextPath = DeleteCases[$Packages, "System`ComplexExpand`"] Oops! $ContextPath is being restored from $Packages! Change it to read: $ContextPath = DeleteCases[$ContextPath, "System`ComplexExpand`"] That's it. 2) In its printout of memory recovered, CleanSlate fails to count the memory occupied by the most recent Out[] value. This memory _is_ freed, but it does not show up in the amount CleanSlate prints. This means that if you execute CleanSlate immediately after generating a huge graphic, you will not see its contribution in the memory reported freed. 3) Contexts begun with Begin["context`"] and ended with End[] are not put on the $ContextPath. Thus, CleanSlate will never purge such contexts (unless they are subcontexts of a context that is on $ContextPath, as is the case with subcontexts in packages). If you are in the habit of creating contexts while you work, and you want CleanSlate to be able to purge them, make them subcontexts of Global`, as with Begin["`context`"]. Alternatively, use EndAdd[], which puts the context on $ContextPath. 4) CleanSlate will not be able to remove rules added for System functions unless the LHS of the rule has a named pattern or variable. For example, Re[x_Integer] := x will be stripped out, but Re[_] := Print["attempting to call Re"] will not. This should rarely be a problem since you will almost always want to use the pattern on the RHS and so will need to name it. You can always go into a package and give arbitrary names to such unnamed pattern variables to avoid this problem. 5) If a package modifies properties of System symbols other than UpValues, DownValues, SubValues or FormatValues (e.g., Attributes, Options, Messages), these changes will not be undone by CleanSlate. 6) The modified Unprotect function will not intercept calls to Unprotect when the parameter is a string, for example Unprotect["System`*"] to unprotect every System symbol. This should not be a problem because this syntax is probably never used by package writers. Its only use is to pass a string pattern, as in this example, but few packages will be unprotecting System symbols in such a broad way. 7) CleanSlate will abort if called from within another package. This is a design decision relating to assumptions CleanSlate makes about the $ContextPath. 8) On machines that use a so-called "thin system" setup, not all System functions are loaded during startup. Rather, they are "stubbed" in in such a way that the first reference to the function causes the relevant file to be read in. Some packages refer to stubbed System functions, causing these additional files to be read in, usually unbeknownst to the user. The symbols are put in the System` context, though, and nothing is added to $ContextPath. CleanSlate cannot take out these definitions or free the memory they occupy. 9) When you execute CleanSlate, it clears its record of modified system symbols. This means that until you Unprotect a symbol again, subsequent calls to CleanSlate will not wipe out newly added rules for that symbol. For example, you might Unprotect a system symbol like Power, add some rules for it, and leave it unprotected. Later you execute CleanSlate, then add some new rules for Power. But since you left Power unprotected, you don't bother to Unprotect it again. Now if you execute CleanSlate again, it will not wipe out the new rules. You must explicitly call Unprotect[Power] to re-register it with CleanSlate's list of modified system symbols. 10) The discussion so far has dealt with kernel memory. Memory used by the notebook front end (on machines where it is available) is a separate issue that has nothing to do with CleanSlate. If you generate a complicated plot, the kernel memory required to hold the Graphics object can be freed with CleanSlate, but the front end may still require a lot of memory to hold the PostScript code and bitmapped representation. 11) CleanSlate cannot do anything for symbols with the attribute Locked. It it best to not use CleanSlate on a context that locks any symbols. None of the standard packages lock any symbols ------------------------------------------- November, 1992 (last modified May 25, 1993) Todd Gayley internet: compuserve: 72560,1165