 Plots of G. Schwarz's Flat Moebius Strip

Organization: | Stanford University |
Department: | Academic Software Development/L&IR |
 Mathematica notebook containing animation of a few perspectives of G. Schwarz's flat Moebius strip S, and the Frenet frame on the central geodesic of S.

 Scwarz Flat Moebius Strip, geodesic, Moebius, Geometry, Graphics, 3D Graphics 3D, animation, Frenet, Parametric Curve, MoebiusPix.ma

| MoebiusPix.nb (1.4 MB) - Mathematica Notebook |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | MoebiusPix.ma (1.3 MB) - Mathematica Notebook 2.2 or older |
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