DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 1.0 ------------------------ This file is the place to start looking at the project Discrete Mathematics (version 1.0) for 'Mathematica' version 3.0 or later. This software is released as FREEWARE. Below you'll find 1. ABSTRACT 2. THE FILES YOU SHOULD GET 3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 4. INSTALLING DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 5. LIMITATIONS 6. REFERENCES 7. DISCLAIMER --- Further enquires should be addressed to: Geoff.H.Smith@uts.edu.au Nicolae.Nicorovici@uts.edu.au ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ABSTRACT ----------- The aim of this self-learning package is to use the software package 'Mathematica', to understand certain aspects of discrete mathematics. The project is divided into three main modules, namely: - set theory, - functions, - logic and truth tables. The use of 'Mathematica' in 'Graph Theory', which is also part of 'Discrete Mathematics', has been extensively explained by Steven Skiena in the book "Implementing Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics and Graph Theory with Mathematica" (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1990). This is the best guide for the standard package DiscreteMath`Combinatorica` included in the standard distribution of 'Mathematica'. 2. THE FILES YOU SHOULD GET --------------------------- On the diskette you should find the following items: discretemaths.exe Self-extracting archive readme.txt This file smith.pdf A conference paper about Discrete Mathematics 3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ---------------------- Operating system WINDOWS 9x, NT, ME, 2000, XP Other requirements Mathematica version 3.0 or later 4. INSTALLING DISCRETE MATHEMATICS ---------------------------------- To install the packages close all the applications, and double click on 'discretemaths.exe' from the diskette. DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT DIRECTORY 'C:\'. The notebooks and packages will be installed in the directory 'C:\UTS'. If it does not exist this directory will be created, so if you have a directory with this name, please change the name of your directory; in the present form the system does not work on other path. An auxiliary directory 'C:\temp' will also be created. This directory contains a dummy file. During the execution a working notebook ('xxx$temp.nb') will be saved in this directory. The working notebook is deleted when you close the session by using the button 'End the Session'. If you use Mathematica 3.0, to ensure that the windows open correctly use the Windows Explorer, open the directory 'C:\UTS\Project', and change to 'Read-only' the attributes of ALL the files from this directory. This is not necessary for Mathematica 4.x. Then, start 'Mathematica' and open 'main.nb' from the directory 'C:\UTS\Project'. In all the cases when Mathematica opens a window with different remarks about the notebooks, or asking about initialization cells, or saving a notebook, click on 'OK', or 'Yes', or 'Don't Save'. To end the session, ALWAYS click on the red button 'End the Session' located at the end of main notebook ('main.nb') to restore the Mathematica option "KernelMessageAction" to its original settings. When the initialization cell from 'main.nb' is evaluated this option is set to: "KernelMessageAction"->{"Beep","PrintToConsole"}. 5. LIMITATIONS -------------- Some known limitations: - This a first version of our project. It is not fully optimized and we are working to improve it. - When you start the exercises for `Random Venn Diagrams' and check your answer, the package will also show a hint which, generally, is a relatively complicate expression. This is because the package used to simplify logical expressions does not always work. - If the boxes in the notebook for exercises for `Truth Tables' are moved, close the notebook and start again the exercise. Otherwise, the Kernel may start an infinite loop. This also applies in all cases when a notebook for exercises does not work. 6. REFERENCES ------------- 1) S. Wolfram, The Mathematica Book, 3rd ed. (Wolfram Media/Cambridge University Press, 1996). 2) R. E. Maeder, Programming in Mathematica, 3rd. ed. (Addison-Wesley, 1997). 3) W. T. Shaw and J. Tigg, Applied Mathematica: getting started, getting it done (Addison-Wesley, 1994). 4) J. W. Gray, Mastering Mathematica: programming, methods and applications, 2nd ed. (Academic Press, 1998). 5) M. J. Watson, The package `Logic.m', Electronic Supplement of Mathematica Journal Vol. 1, Issue 1 (1990). 6) J. M. Novak, Programming the Front End, tutorial given at the 1998 Worldwide Mathematica Conference. 7) P. J. Hinton, Button Box HOW-TO: Making a Graphics Generator, tutorial (MathSource/Tutorials). This project has been supported by a 1998 National Teaching Development Grant. Helpful suggestions from P. Abbott, W. Austin and C. Uden are also acknowledged. 7. DISCLAIMER ------------- THIS SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE DISTRIBUTED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. NO REPONSIBILITIES FOR POSSIBLE DAMAGES OR EVEN FUNCTIONALITY CAN BE TAKEN. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THIS PROGRAM.