++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FEM2D ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This package allows to solve second order elliptic differential equations in two variables: div(a*grad u) - b*u = f in the domain domain u = gD Dirichlet boundary conditions on first part of boundary a*du/dn = gN Neumann condition on the other part of the boundary If the functions a, b f, gD and gN are given, then a numerical approximation is computed, using the method of finite elements. To generate meshes the programm EasyMesh can be used. The package consists of the following files README.txt : this file BVP2.m : the package to be loaded in Mathematica FEM2DCode.nb : Basic instructions and a first example example2.d : a sample mesh used in FEM2DCode.nb example2.e example2.n example2.s FEM2DExamples.nb : further examples EasyMesh : a subdirectory with input files for FEM2DExamples.nb EasyMeshIntro.A4.ps : short instruction for EasyMesh EasyMeshIntro.letter.ps boundarygenerator.nb : a notebook to generate messhes (using EasyMesh) Andreas.Stahel@hta-bi.bfh.ch http::/www.hta-bi.bfh.ch/~sha