 Vertex Enumeration Package for Convex Polytopes and Arrangements, Version 0.41 Beta

Organization: | ETH-Zentrum |
Department: | CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland, Department of Mathematics |
Organization: | Graduate School of Systems Management, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo |
 The package "VertexEnumeration" contains Mathematica implementations of Avis-Fukuda algorithms for enumerating all vertices of a convex polytope given by a system of linear inequalities, and for enumerating all points (0-dimensional faces) of an arrangement of hyperplanes given similarly. The package also generates Voronoi diagrams and graphs. The supplementary package "FaceLattice.m" computes the face lattice structure of a bounded convex polyhedron.

 Voronoi diagrams, 3D geometry, 3D graphics, Avis-Fukuda algorithms, convex polytope, face lattice structure, bounded convex polyhedron

| README.txt (1.8 KB) - Release notes | | FL-Notebook.nb (117.9 KB) - Mathematica notebook documenting FaceLattice.m | | FaceLattice.m (3.8 KB) - Supplementary package to compute the face lattice of a convex polytope | | Power.m (155 B) - Supplementary program for VertexEnum.m | | VE-Notebook.nb (283.7 KB) - Mathematica notebook documenting VertexEnum.m | | VertexEnum.m (30.4 KB) - Mathematica package |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | FL-Notebook.ma (47.7 KB) - Mathematica notebook documenting FaceLattice.m | | VE-Notebook.ma (252.8 KB) - Mathematica notebook documenting VertexEnum.m |