MathView3d -- OpenGL based viewer for Mathematica (c) 1997 J.-P. Kuska Copyright --------- This files may be freely copied and distributed, provided that no changes whatsoever are made. All users are asked to help keep the MathView3D.w file consistent and ``uncorrupted,'' identical everywhere in the world. (The CWEB system has a ``change file'' facility by which users can easily make minor alterations without modifying the master source files in any way. Everybody is supposed to use change files instead of changing the files.) The author has tried his best to produce correct and useful programs, in order to help promote computer science research and Mathematica, but no warranty of any kind should be assumed. Getting Started --------------- For MS Windows a OpenGL dynamic link library is needed. Install the dll files extracted from opengl95.exe as described in the manual. The mview3dsig.exe is dynamic linked with the OpenGL from Silicon Graphics for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Rename mview3dsig.exe to mathwiew3d.exe if You want to use this version. Test mathview3d from the \bin\Windows\ directory with the 3Scripts form the 3Script directory. Test mathview3d with: cd 3Script ..\bin\Windows\mathview3d -mvfile sicosa.ts ..\bin\Windows\mathview3d -mvfile torus.ts +mvs If this works run the Install[LinkOpen[]] command as described in the Documentation\MVManual.nb notice the -mathlink option in the Install[LinkOpen[]]-command. The Linux version is compiled with pgcc and -O6 optimization. I found no problems. The version is static linked with the Mesa 2.1 library. The Solaris version is for compiled with the Ultra Creator Graphics and OpenGL. Compiling for other Plattforms ------------------------------ I had compiled it on Solaris with OpenGL extension with out problems. To compile it a OpenGL or OpenGL like library (MESA, ..) and the GLUT lib is needed. The two files and cmdln.c must be linked with the X11, OpenGL and MathLink library. For suggestions, comments and bugs feel free to contact me at: For a more detailed discussion see: c't Magazin fuer Computertechnik, 9, 1997 Enjoy Jens