 An Alternative Front End Integrated into Vim (a vi-clone)

Organization: | University of Potsdam, Germany |
Department: | Theoretical Quantum Physics Group |
 This is a Mathematica front end built into Vim, which is a high-end programmer's editor, highly compatible to vi but with lots of additional features. The front end is just an add-on for the editor, which can still be used as a standard editor for all kinds of ASCII files.
The front end is a "text-mode' application which will run in any terminal (including, of course, xterms). The functionality is similar to the standard notebook interface, without graphics (there is, however, built-in support for external viewers like ghostview), but with greatly enhanced editing capabilities. A sample file can be found at http://www.quantum.physik.uni-potsdam.de/TF/samplevma.html The editor has extensive online documentation (covering the front end, too).
You need two packages: The editor Vim with the front end extensions (current version: vim-5.4g-mma0.10), and a small auxiliary program, ml2vim, which translates between Vim and the kernel (current version: ml2vim-0.99.8).
Both packages come as source code (precompiled packages for Linux/Intel and True64 Unix/Alpha are available, too) and can be copied freely. Vim is charityware (see README.txt for details), ml2vim is covered by the GNU General Public license.
Only UNIX(-like) systems are supported. So far, this front end has been successfully tested on Linux/Intel and True64 Unix/Alpha.

 frontend, vi, vim, editor, text, text-based

| ml2vim-0.99.8-alpha-True64.tgz (336.5 KB) - precompiled package of ml2vim-0.99.8 for alpha/True64 Unix | | ml2vim-0.99.8-i386-linux.tgz (197.5 KB) - precompiled package of ml2vim-0.99.8 for i386/Linux | | ml2vim-0.99.8.tgz (84.1 KB) - Source package of ml2vim-0.99.8 | | vim-5.4g-mma0.10-alpha-True64.tgz (2.5 MB) - precompiled package of vim-5.4g-mma0.10 for alpha/True64 Unix | | vim-5.4g-mma0.10-i386-linux.tgz (2.3 MB) - precompiled package of vim-5.4g-mma0.10 for i386/Linux | | vim-5.4g-mma0.10.tgz (1.9 MB) - Source package of vim-5.4g-mma0.10 |
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