Description of the Xmath/Mathematica Interface ______________________________________________ This Readme file is valid for the preliminary version that is available from MathSource. To install the interface, copy the 3 files - "makefile", "xmathlink.c" and this "Readme" file to your directory, edit the makefile to point to the correct locations of your Xmath, Mathematica & C-Compiler, and run the makefile. This should create a file "math.lnx". From now on, from within Xmath, you should be able to invoke the "math" function. Please report all problems to Overview ________ Xmath was developed with a very open architecture, which makes it straightforward to interface or communicate with other programs and processes. This openness is evidenced by the interface between Xmath and Mathematica, which uses the Xmath LNX (LiNked eXternal) facility. Mathematica is a powerful symbolic manipulation program from Wolfram Research, Inc. (WRI). It allows the user to perform operations such as differentiation and integration symbolically, to achieve exact general solutions to many problems. This capability, coupled with Xmath's powerful numerical analysis and design capabilities, make a very strong joint analysis tool. The interface from Xmath to Mathematica was developed by WRI, and debugged and tested with ISI's help. It allows an Xmath user to enter Mathematica commands and automatically invoke a separate Mathematica process that then computes and returns a result to Xmath. It also allows the transfer of matrices to and from Mathematica from within Xmath. All Mathematica warnings and other textual output is transmitted to Xmath and displayed in the Xmath message window. The interface uses the Mathematica Mathlink facility. This allows it to establish a process running Mathematica the first time it is invoked, and to maintain a link to that process for all subsequent call from the same Xmath session, thereby allowing the use of intermediate variables in Mathematica. Furthermore, the Mathlink facility allows Mathematica to be invoked on a different computer than Xmath is running on, completely transparently to the user. Syntax ------ The syntax of the supported Xmath to Mathematica interface commands is shown below: 1) sending a command to Mathematica math("any valid Mathematica command") 2) transfering a matrix from Xmath to Mathematica math("X2math", "name_in_Mathematica", matrix_in_Xmath) 3) transfering a matrix from Mathematica to Xmath Xmath_result = math("math2X", "name_in_Mathematica") 4) closing a Mathematica session math("quit") Examples -------- Figure 1 shows part of an Xmath session in which the user is interacting with Mathematica. The following is a diary of the Xmath commands and Mathematica responses for the complete session. math("$Version") ans (a string) = SPARC 2.2 (February 5, 1994) math("N[EulerGamma,40]") ans (a string) = 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310422 math("X2math", "hilly", hilbert(8)) ans (a string) = hilly math("{Dimensions[hilly], Det[hilly]}") ans (a string) = -33 {{8, 8}, 2.73705 10 } math("exactHilly = Table[1/(i+j-1), {i,20}, {j,20}];") ans (a string) = Null math("Det[exactHilly]") ans (a string) = 1 / 23774547167685345090916442434276164401754198377534864930331853312\ > 3441975931064458518758576681657377344056575986726555897176563841\ > 9710793303386582324149811241023554489166154717809635257797836800\ > 000000000000000000000000000000000 math("N[Det[exactHilly],40]") ans (a string) = -226 4.206178956624722655882045573396941339798 10 math("invHilly=Inverse[hilly];") ans (a string) = Null result = math("math2X", "invHilly") result (a square matrix) = 64 -2016 20160 -92400 221760 -288288 192192 -51480 -2016 84672 -952560 4.65696e+06 -1.16424e+07 1.55676e+07 -1.05946e+07 2.88288e+06 20160 -952560 1.14307e+07 -5.8212e+07 1.49688e+08 -2.04324e+08 1.41261e+08 -3.89189e+07 -92400 4.65696e+06 -5.8212e+07 3.0492e+08 -8.00415e+08 1.10991e+09 -7.76936e+08 2.16216e+08 221760 -1.16424e+07 1.49688e+08 -8.00415e+08 2.13444e+09 -2.99675e+09 2.11892e+09 -5.94594e+08 -288288 1.55676e+07 -2.04324e+08 1.10991e+09 -2.99675e+09 4.24994e+09 -3.03005e+09 8.56216e+08 192192 -1.05946e+07 1.41261e+08 -7.76936e+08 2.11892e+09 -3.03005e+09 2.17542e+09 -6.18378e+08 -51480 2.88288e+06 -3.89189e+07 2.16216e+08 -5.94594e+08 8.56216e+08 -6.18378e+08 1.76679e+08 math("quit")