Oversights/annoyances: 0) The package in no way attempts to solve the conditions. It's hard enough just working out what they are! 1) RKConditions is really an abbreviation for RungeKuttaConditions but I hate typing all that. I should conform with Mathematica is use an alias. 2) Naming conditions with CondName, QuadName, ColumnName, RowName (apart from the violation given in 1) would serve from using a list along the lines of Names->{CondName, QuadName, ColumnName, RowName}. 3) Occassionally a Thread command is passed across a condition which is True or False and as a result a warning is produced. Simple to solve but I haven't yet. 4) The list of trees is maintained permanently in the kernel. There ought to be a command to remove it from memory. Simple to do but I haven't yet. 5) The conditions once changed are irreversible and so if you do something that results in a condition becoming False the only way back is to start again from RKConditions. Very annoying and not too difficult to solve since the list of trees remains permanently in memory. 6) Wouldn't it be nice if we could ask questions such as "what would the conditions ;look like if the squaring conditions were satisfied?". Yes it would. This is mostly completed but not yet released! Any other suggestions/comments/problems are welcomed. Please Email me at aharriso@math.uno.edu