 Title in English: Introduction to programming in Mathematica: for civil and mechanical engineers Wolfram Mathematica, also known as Mathematica, is a extremely powerful computational platform which allows natural and seamless integration between numeric and symbolic computation. The program allows in many cases to obtain analytic (exact) results and also numeric ones when the other option is not possible (or desired). Mathematica has applications for physics, mathematics, chemistry, medicine, biotechnology, finances, visual arts, music and, of course, all branches of engineering, among other disciplines. It is capable of producing high quality graphics with minimal user intervention. Its graphic interface is easy to use and the notebooks allow to present the results in an elegant and professional way, which is also interactive. Moreover, Mathematica has incorporated direct access to scientific, economic, etc. databases, which are constantly expanded, updated and verified. The author of this book, Dr. Luis E. Suárez, is a professor at the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez, in the field of structural mechanics and the structure analysis program SAP2000. He has been a Mathematica user since the 2.0 version in 1991, and he uses the software in all his classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Even when Mathematica is relatively simple to use, having this tool, which results from years of experience and direct contact with students, can help reducing the learning curve. The book was created for users from Science and Engineering, although some examples are focused on the area of vibrations and structural mechanics.