 Axisymmetric analysis of a thermoelastic isotropic half-space under buried sources in displacement and temperature potentials


 Analytical and numerical investigations have been made to determine the solution of a thermoelastic isotropic half-space under buried mechanical load and heat ux based on Biot’s coupled thermoelasticity. Using a scalar poten- tial function, the coupled governing equations have been uncoupled and a sixth order partial dierential equation that governs the potential function is received. Applying the Hankel transform to suppress the radial variable, a sixth order ordinary dierential equation with respect to depth is received. Solving that equation and utilizing the boundary and continuity conditions, the potential function is derived and displacements, temperature, and stress components are derived in the transformed domain in two regions. Applying the inverse Hankel transform, responses are derived in the physical domain as line integrals. The line integrals are calculated numerically throughMathemat- ica software. Numerical results are depicted graphically for dierent cases of vertical load and heat ux. Eects of elastic and thermal properties as well as the depth of buried loads and frequency of excitation are investigated. Numer- ical evaluation shows that the agreement between the results of this study for surface excitation and the results reported in the literature is excellent.
