 Riemannian Geometry and Tensor Analysis

Organization: | Humboldt-University Berlin |
 The notebook "Pseudo-Riemannian Geometry and Tensor-Analysis" can be used as an interactive textbook introducing into this part of differential geometry. It continues the item "An Interactive Textbook on Euclidean Differential Geometry", MathSource 9115, but it may be used independently of the mentioned textbook as a starting point for applications of Mathematica to Riemannian Geometry or Relativity Theory. The file RGv3.pdf gives a survey over the contents of the notebook, and RGv3.zip contains the notebook and packages with the newly introduced Mathematica functions. It is compatible and tested with Mathematica v. 11.2, but not with older versions of Mathematica, e.g. v. 8.0.1. The programs of RG.zip are tested with Mathematica v. 8.0.1, possibly they work also with older versions.

 manifolds, immersions, tensor fields, linear connections, absolute differential, exterior differential, Riemannian geometry, metric tensor, curvature tensor, Levi-Civita connection, Christoffel symbols, Ricci tensor, sectional curvature, spaces of constant curvature.

| RGv3.pdf (45 KB) - PDF Document | | RG.zip (924.4 KB) - ZIP archive | | RGv3.zip (967.9 KB) - ZIP archive |
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