 Self-similar solutions arise naturally as special solutions of system of partial differential equations (PDEs) from dimensional analysis and, more generally, from the invariance of system of PDEs under scaling of variables. Usually, such solutions do not globally satisfy imposed boundary conditions. However, through delicate analysis, one can often show that a self-similar solution holds asymptotically in certain identified domains. In the present paper, it is shown that self-similar phenomena can be studied through use of many ideas arising in the study of dynamical systems. In particular, there is a discussion of the role of symmetries in the context of self-similar dynamics. We use the method of Lie group invariance to determine the class of self-similar solutions to a problem involving plane and radially symmetric flows of a relaxing non-ideal gas involving strong shocks. The ambient gas ahead of the shock is considered to be homogeneous. The method yields a general form of the relaxation rate for which the self-similar solutions are admitted. The arbitrary constants, occurring in the expressions for the generators of the local Lie group of transformations, give rise to different cases of possible solutions with a power law, exponential or logarithmic shock paths. In contrast to situations without relaxation, the inclusion of relaxation effects imply constraint conditions. A particular case of the collapse of an imploding shock is worked out in detail for radially symmetric flows. Numerical calculations have been performed to determine the values of the self-similarity exponent and the profile of the flow variables behind the shock. All computations are performed using the computation package Mathematica. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.