 Package with various utility function for generic data analysis. base assumptions that the data are in a 2D list of lists modules inlude mLess::usage="Listable version of Less" mGreater::usage="Listable version of Greater" mWhich::usage="Convert List of TRUE & FALSE to Indices of TRUE" grepT::usage="function to find a header index Returns a table" grepi::usage="function to find a header index Returns as index list" grepL::usage="function to find a header index Returns a list" findX::usage="find all indices which meet foo function " findNumeric::usage="find all indices which are numeric use : findNumeric[x] " findNum::usage="find all indices which are numeric use : findNum[x] " getData::usage="function to read the csv files use: getData[filename]" (* Pivot Table tools *) pTableChart::usage=" plot the data in form of a Pivot table use : pTableChart[tt_, nBy_: 2, debug_: False]" pListChart::usage=" plot a List chart of the Mena values from the Pivot table use: pListChart[tt_, nBy_: 1, opt_]" pGaugeChart::usage="plot a Gauge chart of the Mean, Median & Variation use : pGaugeChart[tt_, nBy_,opt_]"