 The Universal Intraocular Lens Calculator: A Clinical Application of Mathematica

Organization: | The EYE Center, Champaign, Illinois |
 Wolfram Technology Conference 2013
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 The implantation of an intraocular lens following cataract surgery has become the standard method of correcting residual refraction following cataract surgery. The calculation of lens that will provide the best refractive outcome is fairly well established in the case in which the eye exhibits spherical symmetry, but often there are asymmetries in the eye system, known as astigmatism. With the recent development of asymmetrical toric IOLs, it is now possible to correct astigmatism after cataract surgery as well. Currently, there are 3 companies that manufacture toric IOLs, each of which has their own online application to calculate the lens and orientation that will provide the best refractive outcome. There are a number of issues with their methods: 1) It is not possible to calculate the optimal lens using a database of all available lenses, 2) The companies' methods are not completely accurate, 3) It requires that parts of the calculation are carried out by different programs. In lieu of this situation, we have written a calculator in Mathematica that improves on these three shortcomings, and includes other useful features. The built-in mathematical functions, ability to combine programming paradigms, image manipulation tools, and framework for making quick nice-looking GUIs provided by Mathematica made it an ideal choice to accomplish the task.


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