 Slip effects on heat and mass transfer in MHD micropolar fluid flow over an inclined plate with thermal radiation and chemical reaction

Organization: | Kalyani Government Engineering College |

 The influence of partial slip, thermal radiation, chemical reaction and temperature-dependent fluid properties on heat and mass transfer in hydro-magnetic micropolar fluid flow over an inclined permeable plate with constant heat flux and non-uniform heat source/sink is studied. The transverse magnetic field is assumed as a function of the distance from the origin. Also it is assumed that the fluid viscosity and the thermal conductivity vary as an inverse function and linear function of temperature, respectively. With the use of the similarity transformation, the governing system of non-linear partial differential equations are transformed into non-linear ordinary differential equations and are solved numerically using symbolic software MATHEMATICA 7.0 (Wolfram Research, Champaign, IL). The numerical values obtained for the velocity, microrotation, temperature, species concentration, skin friction coefficient and the Nusselt number are presented through graphs and tables for several sets of values of the parameters. The effects of various physical parameters on the flow and heat transfer characteristics are discussed.

 micropolar fluid, slip flow, chemical reaction, variable viscosity, variable thermal conductivity, thermal radiation
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