 Complex Analysis: Mathematica Notebooks

Organization: | California State University Fullerton |
Organization: | Westmont College |
Department: | Mathematics & Computer Science Dept. |
 This item contains complex analysis software coded in Mathematica 8.0. The examples are described in the textbook "Complex Analysis: for Mathematics and Engineering," 6th Edition, Jones & Bartlett, Pub. Inc., Burlington, MA, 2011. See Wolfram Library Archive item 6099 for Mathematica 6.0 notebooks.

 Complex Analysis, Complex Numbers, Complex Function, Analytic Function, Harmonic Function, Residue Theory, Laurent Series, Contour Integrals, Poisson Integral, Dirichlet Problem, Conformal Mapping, Joukowski Airfoil, Schwarz-Christoffel Transformation, Fourier Series, Laplace Transform, z-Transformation


| ComplexAnalysis.Mathews.2011.zip (4.7 MB) - ZIP archive |
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