 Quantum Mechanics on the GPU

Organization: | University of Cincinnati |
Department: | Department of Physics |
Organization: | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
 Wolfram Technology Conference 2011
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 Mathematica 8 provides tools for running code on your computer's GPU using either CUDA or OpenCL. These tools lower the barriers to GPU computing dramatically. I will show how by writing a small amount of GPU kernel code that you can use to solve interesting quantum mechanics problems on your GPU. Speed-ups of several orders of magnitude can be obtained even on modest graphics cards. Once your GPU function is written, it can used just like any other Mathematica function, making dynamic visualization of your results easy.


| QuantumMechanicsOnTheGPU.cdf (236.2 KB) - CDF Document | | QuantumMechanicsOnTheGPU.nb (235.5 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |