 Analysis of Elementary and Complex Reaction Kinetics

Organization: | University of Houston |
Department: | Chemistry Department |
 Kinetics deals with how fast chemical process occur. In the simplest case of unimolecular decay: A->B, species A undergoes some transformation to become species B. The rate of change of A into B can be cast as a simple differential equation:
∂tA[t] == -k A[t]
where the constant k is the rate constant. For chemical species, A[t] represents the concentration. This is subject to the initial condition that A[0] = Ao. This simple differential equation can be integrated
DSolve[{∂tA[t] == -k A[t], A[0] == Ao}, A[t], t] {{A[t] -> Ao E^(-k t)}}
to produce an exponentially decaying population (or concentration) of A.

 Physical Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Elementary Reaction Kinetics, Complex Reaction Kinetics, Unimolecular Decay, Half-Life, Bi-Molecular Reaction, Differential Rate Law, Integrated Rate Law, Equilibrium, Sequential Reaction, Steady State Approximation, Parallel Reactions, Brusselator, Attractors, Repellers, Limiting Cycle, Poincare-Bendixson Theorem, Glycolis, Oregonator, Belousov-Zhabotinskii Reaction, Thermo-Catalyzed Reactions, Heat Catalysis, Chaotic Dynamics, Strange Attractors, Stochastic Reactions

| Kinetics-Notes-version7.cdf (2.2 MB) - CDF Document |
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