 Creeping Flow Caused by a Rotating Sphere

Organization: | University of Notre Dame |
Department: | Department of Chemical Engineering |

This notebook shows how to solve the flow field for a rotating sphere at low Reynolds number showing the zeroth and first order solutions. A regular perturbation expansion is used. At the lowest order, inertial terms are neglected and the flow is pure rotation that decays away from the sphere. The perturbation improvement takes into account weak inertia and this causes a secondary flow in the r and q directions. This notebook is intended as a supplement to L. G. Leal (1992) Laminar flow and Convective Transport Processes, Butterworth.

 Creeping flow, Rotating Sphere, Regular Perturbation, Low Reynolds number fluid dynamics

| rotatingsphere.nb (277.2 KB) - Mathematica V3/4 notebook |