 Computer Algebra Solution of GPS N-Points Problem

Organization: | Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Department: | Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics |
Organization: | Curtin University of Technology |
Department: | Spatial Sciences, Division of Resource and Environmental |
Organization: | Stuttgart University |
Department: | Geodesy and Geoinformatics |
 In this contribution we illustrate different methods available for solving Global Positionig System N-points problem using built-in functions of Computer Algebra Systems (CAS). Direct and indirect minimization methods, Gauss-Jacobi combinatorial algorithm with lexicographic and reduced Groebner basis, as well as with Dixon resultant and Sturmfels` formulation are demonstrated. Numeric and symbolic solutions are given for realistic situations. Using Mathematica 5.2 System, numeric and symbolic solution needs less computation time than that of iterative direct numerical method.

 GPS, CAS, Positioning, Algebra

| GPS_Npoints.nb (127.2 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |