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Residue Curve Map Computation using UNIQUAC Model: Case of a Quaternary Reactive System

Housam Binous
Organization: KFUPM
Department: Chemical Engineering
URL: http://sites.google.com/site/homepageofdrhousambinous/
Revision date


Two quaternary systems are studied: (1) Acetic Acid - Ethanol - Water- Ethyl Acetate and (2) Acetic Acid - Butanol - Water- Butyl Acetate. In these two systems, liquid phase esterification occurs. The residue curve map is computed using the UNIQUAC model and gas phase acetic acid dimerization. For the second system, we find a reactive azeotrope at the following transformed coordinates: X1=0.04238 and X2=0.218399.

*Engineering > Chemical Engineering
*Science > Chemistry

residue curve map, quaternary systems, acetic acid dimerization, chemical equilibrium, esterification reaction, reactive azeotrope, UNIQUAC, activity coefficients
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BA-UNIQUAC.nb (557.7 KB) - Mathematica Notebook [for Mathematica 5.2]
EA-UNIQUAC.nb (560.7 KB) - Mathematica Notebook [for Mathematica 5.2]