 Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering, Fifth Edition

Organization: | California State University Fullerton |
Organization: | Westmont College |
Department: | Mathematics & Computer Science Dept. |

 Revised and updated, the new fifth edition of Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering presents a comprehensive, student-friendly introduction to complex analysis. Its clear, concise writing style and numerous applications make the subject matter's foundations easily accessible for students, and proofs are presented at a level understandable by those with a sophomore calculus background. With the belief that mathematicians, engineers, and scientists should be exposed to a careful presentation of mathematics, attention is paid to such topics as ensuring that required assumptions are met before a theorem or algebraic operation is applied. A new chapter on z-transforms and applications provides students with a current look at digital filter design and signal process. Mathematica notebooks for Version 6 for this edition, as well as earlier-version notebooks for previous editions, are available in the Wolfram Library Archive.

 Complex Analysis, Complex Numbers, Complex Function, Analytic Function, Harmonic Function, Residue Theory, Laurent Series, Contour Integrals, Poisson Integral, Dirichlet Problem, Conformal Mapping, Joukowski Airfoil, Schwarz-Christoffel Transformation, Fourier Series, Laplace Transform, z-Transformation
 http://mathfaculty.fullerton.edu/mathews/books/cbook.htm http://www.jblearning.com/catalog/9781449604455/
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