 Transformation of Logical Specification into IP-formulas

Organization: | Institute of Information Sciences and Electronics |
Organization: | Imperial College, London, U.K. |
Department: | Department of Computing |
Organization: | University of Tsukuba |
Department: | Institute of Information Sciences and Electronics |
 1999 International Mathematica Symposium
 The classical algebraic modelling approach for integer programming (IP) is not suitable for some real world IP problems, since the algebraic formulations allow only for the description of mathematical relations, not logical relations. In this paper, we present a language L+ for IP, in which we write logical specification of an IP problem. L+ is a language based on the predicate logic, but is extended with meta predicates such as at least(m,S), where m is a non-negative integer, meaning that at least m predicates in the set S of formulas hold. The meta predicates are introduced to facilitate reasoning about a model of an IP problem rigorously and logically. Using Mathematica, we can represent the logical formulas, called L+ formulas efficiently and completely. But the L+ formulas can not directly executed by IP solvers. So, we need to translate L+ formulas into a set of mathematical formulas, called IP-formulas, which most of existing IP solvers accept. With Mathematica, we define a set of transformation rules and transform L+ formulas into IP-formulas and finally simplify the IP-formulas in Mathematica. We implement the transformation algorithm in Mathematica 3.0. Also, by using Mathlink and CGI programming, we develop a Web-based interface to support the system with modelling language, transformation of IP, and IP solvers. This provides a Web-based client-server model, in which the power of high level IP modelling and high performance IP solving can be integrated and developed for a wide range of business users to solve large scale decision making problems. The primary experiment indicates that Mathematica is powerful for representing logical formulas and for the transformation of formulas and that Mathlink is convenient for connecting Mathematica to other software platforms.

 integer programming, IP-formulas, logical specification, mathematical relations
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