 In a world of pep rallies, proms, and six-period days, where does Mathematica fit in? Students in high school math classes are equipped with a textbook, pencil, paper, and the occasional graphing calculator. At a glance, Mathematica is the “ultimate calculator.” Most teachers and students see it as such and do not understand why we should use it over tools more readily available. Or, once they see the power of Mathematica, many teachers fear putting it in the hands of students since it would then give them the answers too easily. I started using Mathematica as a freshman in college. At the time, I had no idea what Mathematica could really do or how it would shape my ideas about learning and teaching mathematics in the future. Now I am a high school math teacher using Mathematica for making classroom demonstrations, developing projects with my students, and creating support materials for teachers. Each stage of my journey with Mathematica has given me new ideas and applications for my classroom. This presentation is a travel journal through my phases of using Mathematica with my students.