 EnhancedGraphics - Methods for modifying graphical layout.

Organization: | Technische Universität München |
Department: | Physik-Department T30 |
 The EnhancedGraphics package defines a modified graphics layout for all plot routines: improved tick labels typeset in Helvetica, frames instead of axes, and an adjustable line width. It provides functions for using the Ticks option of graphics objects allowing the length and style of tick marks and the text labels to be altered. It also provides an enhanced ContourPlot function and a new export function for EPS files which includes required Math fonts in the EPS file thus making it portable.

 graphics layout, tick marks, tick labels, export, EPS, Math fonts

| EnhancedGraphics.m (18.2 KB) - EnhancedGraphics package | | EnhancedGraphics.nb (66.3 KB) - Demonstration of graphics modification |