 Pseudo-Random Pulse Sequencing

Organization: | University of Windsor, Dept. of Physics |
 The package PseudoRandom.m defines a few routines that are useful for working with pseudorandom sequences. These sequences (also called Maximum Length PseudoRandon Sequences or MLPRS's) have been used in optimizing time-of-flight spectroscopies in the physical sciences (neutron beam and molecular beam scattering).

 Chemistry, Physics, Pure Mathematics, Physical Sciences, maximum length pseudorandom sequences, time of flight spectroscopy, MLPRS

| PRSequenceTest.nb (20.1 KB) - Mathematica notebook | | PseudoRandom.m (4.1 KB) - Mathematica package |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | PRSequenceTest.ma (17 KB) - Mathematica notebook | | PseudoRandom.m (7.9 KB) - Mathematica package |