 Stability Analysis of Matrices and Polynomials Based on Routh Criterion and Iteration Method

Organization: | Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Department: | Laboratory of Particle Physics |
 This package includes functions for stability analysis of square numerical matrices and polynomials with numerical coefficients. Specifically, the number of roots z satisfying the inequality Re[z] < bound (or Abs[z] < bound) can be computed avoiding the explicit finding of roots; number bound is supplied by the user.

 Matrix, Linear Algebra, Matrix stability, CountSpecialRoots, Count Roots, StabilQ, Stability, Routh, Zaguskin, Kharitonov, Characteristic Polynomial, eigen values, inequality, number theory, numbeial analysis, roots

| stabilit.m (15.9 KB) - Mathematica package | | stabilit.tst (4.9 KB) - test suite for stabilit.m |
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