 Mathematica Graphics: Techniques & Applications

Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
Department: | Director of Kernel Technology |

Publisher: | TELOS/Springer-Verlag |
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 Part I: The Built-in Functions Introduction to Mathematica | A Tour of Plotting | Graphics Options | Interfacing with the Rest of Mathematica | Animating Graphics | The Mathematica Front End Part II: Graphics Programming Mathematica Programming | Two-Dimensional Graphical Primitives | Three-Dimensional Graphical Primitives | Coordinate Systems | Color | Combining and Converting Graphics | Programming Examples Part III: Applications in Visualization and Computer Graphics The Design of Effective Graphics | Labeling Contour Plots | Two-Dimensional Geometry | Three-Dimensional Geometry | Visualizing Numeric Data | Visualizing Vectors Part IV: A Reference to Graphics in Mathematica Graphics Reference | Graphics3D Reference | SurfaceGraphics Reference | ContourGraphics Reference | DensityGraphics Reference | GraphicsArray Reference | Rendering and Exporting Graphics Appendices ExtendGraphics Installation | ExtendGraphics Reference | Loading Mathematica Packages | Bibliography | Index
 Book/diskette combination that deals solely with Mathematica graphics. Offers step-by-step instruction on how to create computer graphics with Mathematica. Contains a vast range of carefully chosen and organized examples of Mathematica graphics. Also includes 32 pages of full-color demonstrations. The available electronic supplement provides functions that include the plotting of surfaces and contours over random data sets, labelling of contour lines, plotting contours subject to a constraint, smoothing contours, plotting field lines, a collection of geometric functions in two and three dimensions, as well as the ubiquitous fractal plot. Some of the functions require MathLink binaries, which are available in source code and are compiled for Macintosh (classic) and Windows computers.

 Graphics, ExtendGraphics, Extend Graphics, CheckPlot3D.m, ComponentPlot.m, ConstrainedContour.m, Contour.m, CorrelationPlot.m, Delaunay.m, EAEdata.m, FieldLines.m, Geometry.m, Geometry3D.m, Ionization.m, Label.m, LabelContour.m, Mandelbrot.m, Master.m, NonConvexTriangulate.m, Plot.m, PointSubstitute3D.m, SimpleHull.m, SmoothGraphics.m, Streakdata.m, SuperConductor1.m, SuperConductor2.m, SurfaceGraphics3D.m, Ticks.m, Transform.m, TriangularInterpolate.m, USVotingData.m, View3D.m, contour.tm, delaunay.tm, mandelbrot.tm, Contour.ma, Delaunay.ma, Geometry3D.ma, Mandbrot.ma, Surface.ma


| ExtendGraphics30.tar (330 KB) - TAR archive | | ExtendGraphics30.zip (156.7 KB) - ZIP archive |
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