 The frequency response and harmonic analysis of triangular and polygon shaped distribution networks

Organization: | College of Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait University |
Department: | Department of Electrical Engineering |

Electric Power Systems Research |
 This paper addresses the frequency characteristics and the harmonic performance of a triangular-shaped load area supplied from a substation via a feeder and several laterals of different lengths. Their lengths are assumed to increase linearly with teh distance from teh substation. Such load areas represent the basic building block of general polygon-shaped distribution networks. The study begins with the formulation of the differential euations governing the feeder voltage and current dstibutions. A procedure for the derivation os a symbolic solution in the complex frequency s-dmain using the software Mathematica will be described. Moreover, an analytical expresson can be found for the distribution network's input impedance, as seen by the substation. The analysis takes into account the frequency, the geometical data of the triangular area, the conductors' electrical constants, the areas loading conditions such as the load density and power factor, the daily load curve as well as the level of eventual reactive power compensation. The results fo several parameter studies are presented in order to validate the solution to show the effect of each of the above-mentioned factors.

 Distribution networks, Triangular load areas, Frequency resonse, Simulation, Harmonics, Propagation
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